The procedure for reviewing articles in the magazine follows the recommendations of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education contained in the document “Good practices in reviewing procedures”, (Warsaw 2011).
The humanistica 21 journal publishes articles meeting the criteria specified by the editorial board. The article should be consistent with the profile of the journal and it should represent accurate and unique information concerning significant scientific problems.
Articles which do not meet the criteria specified by the editorial board on the website will be rejected.
Texts that infringe intellectual property rights (plagiarism and auto-plagiarism) will be rejected.
Humanistica 21 does not publish journalistic texts.
1. The profile of humanistica 21 journal
The scientific journal humanistica 21 publishes scientific articles (not published anywhere else) in the following languages: English, German, Polish and Russian. The articles should present original and unique information concerning research in modern humanities.
Humanistica 21 is dedicated to modern humanities with their new horizons and challenges. The individual volumes are guided by the reflection that, on the threshold of the 21st century, humanities are not only a collective term for various disciplines. Their subject is human existence in its various manifestations. Humanities can undertake a debate on who we are and they can make us aware of the relativity of what we do with the world, of our presence in culture, language, actions and rules of action. They can help us realize our presence in aspirations, ideas, rituals and symbols.
We live in an age that seems to be characterized by unlimited openness to new cultures, ways of thinking, perceiving, communicating, creating and expressing reality. The boundaries that determined the identity of individuals and cultures as well as the methodology for their description are blurring. This experience destroys the existing patterns of understanding and describing the world around us. It all happens in the world of the globalized economic system, migratory and trans-cultural movements and, on the other hand, in the world accompanied by the tendency to build local awareness, individual and collective memory, forcing the rebuilding of human identity and subjectivity. In a multidimensional, changing reality, it is difficult to establish common research paradigms and the correspondence between theories. We assume that the most interesting cognitive effects are produced when we use various methodological and theoretical perspectives as well as interdisciplinary research areas, which appear together with new challenges as a result of growing dynamics of the modern world. It also appears that that modern humanities have parted ways with the philosophical thought proclaiming continued progress and continued increase in knowledge. The significance of the humanities of the 21st century lies in the constant questioning of who we are in a post-modern, globalized world in which everything has become problematic. There are no definite answers to these questions. Modern humanities remind us, however, that mankind cannot stop searching for purpose, even when it is extremely hard to define
The journal humanistica 21 (ISSN: 2544-1345; ISBN: 978-83-933823-2-3; ISBN: 978-83-933823-5-4) has been published since 2017 by the Linguistics-Technical University in Świecie. So far, it has been indexed in the following electronic databases on the Internet: CEJSH (The Central European Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities), CEEOL, CEON, Baz Hum. Final work on indexation in SCOPUS and Index-Copernicus databases is underway. Due to the fact that each volume is a separate monograph and addresses one of the topics related to modern humanities and their challenges, currently the author of the article receives five points, as in the case of a chapter in a collective work.
The magazine is published yearly. Full articles are available on the journal’s website:
As they the editorial board avoids extremely specialized publications, review articles and interdisciplinary works are reviewed first.
Please attach to the text:
the author’s first and last name using Latin alphabet (if they are written in Cyrillic):
version of the title in English language;
abstracts (up to 1000 characters) in Polish and English – this also applies to articles written in English; from five to seven keywords in Polish and English;
The author should send an article in electronic version (CD, DVD) to the journal or send it by e-mail to the following address:
The article is qualified for printing after obtaining two positive reviews.