The Linguistic-Technical University in Przasnysz founded the humanistica 21 publishing series which is dedicated to modern humanities with their new horizons and challenges.
The individual volumes are guided by the reflection that, on the threshold of the 21st century, humanities are not only a collective term for various disciplines. Their subject is human existence in its various manifestations. Humanities can undertake a debate on who we are and they can make us aware of the relativity of what we do with the world, of our presence in culture, language, actions and rules of action. They can help us realize our presence in aspirations, ideas, rituals and symbols.
We live in an age that seems to be characterized by unlimited openness to new cultures, ways of thinking, perceiving, communicating, creating and expressing reality. The boundaries that determined the identity of individuals and cultures as well as the methodology for their description are blurring. This experience destroys the existing patterns of understanding and describing the world around us. It all happens in the world of the globalized economic system, migratory and trans-cultural movements and, on the other hand, in the world accompanied by the tendency to build local awareness, individual and collective memory, forcing the rebuilding of human identity and subjectivity.
In a multidimensional, changing reality, it is difficult to establish common research paradigms and the correspondence between theories. We assume that the most interesting cognitive effects are produced when we use various methodological and theoretical perspectives as well as interdisciplinary research areas, which appear together with new challenges as a result of growing dynamics of the modern world. It also appears that that modern humanities have parted ways with the philosophical thought proclaiming continued progress and continued increase in knowledge.
The significance of the humanities of the 21st century lies in the constant questioning of who we are in a post-modern, globalized world in which everything has become problematic. There are no definite answers to these questions. Modern humanities remind us, however, that mankind cannot stop searching for purpose, even when it is extremely hard to define
“Humanistica 21” journal is in BazHum database at and its bibliography has been compiled. Bazhum is a bibliographic database containing the entire contents of magazines from the first issues to the current ones. (It is run by the Polish History Museum in Warsaw.) Each article is described separately. The metadata is available. „Mass export” and „reuse” options are available as well.
The statement on the ethical principles of the journal has been prepared based on the guidelines of the Committee of Publication Ethics – COPE ( and the guidelines of the Elsevier publishing house. To ensure high quality of published texts, the journal humanistica21 shall adhere to certain ethical standards.
Editorial Board:
1. In the case of multi-authorship, the editorial board of humanistica21 requires that the contribution of individual authors to the text be specified. In such a situation, the affiliation and percentage of the creative contribution to the paper should be specified for each author.
2. The editorial board of humanistica21 shall document all manifestations of scientific dishonesty.
3. In particular, so-called Ghostwriting and Guest Authorship is deemed by the editorial board a manifestation of scientific dishonesty.
4. All manifestations of scientific dishonesty found by the editorial board shall be disclosed and notified to competent entities, in particular to the institutions hiring the author, and to academic and publishing associations.
Peer-reviewers are supposed to guarantee independence and lack of conflict of interest in the relationship between the reviewer and the author, which entails the lack of direct personal relationship and professional dependence at least for the period of two years prior to preparing the review.
1. Publications submitted to humanistica21 should be original, objective and should match the subject matter of the journal.
2. The editorial board of humanistica21 does not accept texts that have already been published in whole or in part in other journals.
Plagiarism in any form, in particular appropriation of the scientific output or final conclusions, is not permitted. Cases of committing plagiarism shall be disclosed and reported to the competent authorities by the editorial board.